This episode features an interview with Femi Opeodu, Head of Data Product and Distribution at CLS Group. Femi began his data journey while at Bloomberg, focusing on growing the commodity side of the business across the globe. His time at Bloomberg helped him realize that if the global economy can be likened to the human body, then foreign exchange is the blood in circulation. Having earned his stripes experiencing how effective alternative data can be for commodities, Femi now works with CLS, a data vendor providing unique and relevant alternative data on the FX market since 2002. On this episode, Femi talks about historic events, such as the fall of Herstatt Bank, that acted as a backdrop for the formation of CLS, the focus on capturing flow, volume, and pricing data for the buyer market, and the importance of focusing on executed trades rather than quotes in FX trading data. He also discusses trends and flows in the FX market and what’s coming down the line for CLS including the expansion of available currencies and increasing frequency of data for clients. Please enjoy this dialogue between Femi and your host, Niall Hurley.