Dallán Ryan

Alternative Data for Energy Investing

Alternative Data for Energy Investing

This report on alternative data for energy investing examines the use of alternative data in the energy sector, providing insights beyond traditional market data. By incorporating unique data types like satellite imagery and economic trade information, investors can avoid common biases and gain a more accurate historical view of the market.

Importance of Point-in-Time for Alternative Data

Importance of Point-in-Time for Alternative Data

This white paper explores the significance and application of Point-in-Time (PIT) data, which captures information at a specific moment, providing a snapshot of data distinct from time-series data. PIT data, critical for eliminating biases such as look-ahead and look-behind biases, is crucial for systematic firms to avoid “survivorship bias” by reflecting the true historical landscape without alterations caused by company changes or corrections.

Importance of Point-in-Time for Alternative Data

Data Regulators in China, the UK, and Europe Are Making Moves – What Alternative Data Users Should Know

Regulatory activities in the UK, Europe, and China were recently discussed as part of Eagle Alpha’s monthly alternative data-focused workshops for asset managers in collaboration with legal partners Schulte Roth & Zabel. Anna-Maleva Otto, a partner at Schulte Roth & Zabel, and Samuel Yang, a partner at AnJie Law discussed the developments that have shaped the data landscape in 2023 and what can be expected in 2024.

Alternative Data for Technology

Alternative Data for Technology

This white paper delves into the profound shifts within the tech sector brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, spotlighting the accelerated adoption of remote work practices and the heightened demand for various technological products and services. In detailing the tech industry’s journey towards recovery in 2023, the paper underscores the sector’s resilience and its capacity to adapt, fueled by a resurgent interest in AI alongside progress in other technological domains. Data-driven insights emerge as crucial tools for comprehending the fluid market landscape.